Wisdom Wednesday


Topic: List Reports Join with Zoom: www.zoomwithcatie.com


Theft of Cash To Close By Fraudsters


Presented by Matt McBride, VP Risk Management & Compliance Hackers and fraudsters are tricking buyers, sellers, real estate agents and loan officers in real estate transactions. They are stealing your customers’ money! We will cover what to look for, the potential pitfalls during the closing process, and how to keep your company and your customers... Read more »


The Rules of Advertising – 3hrs CE Commissioner’s Standards


ADRE is enforcing parts of the Commissioner's Rules and Statutes that addresses advertising issues.  Taking many agetns and brokers by surprise, they are getting into trouble.  One common misconception is that there are new rules howerver, these rules and statues have been around for decades.  The bincrease in enforecement is partly due to the flood... Read more »


Using LLC’s to Purchase Rental Properties


Discussion Points: Should You Put Your Rental Properties in an LLCs LLCs vs. Insurance Primary Considerations: Asset Protection Rules and Laws Liablity Considerations You Need to Know for Rental Properties Member-Managed or Manager-Managed? Drafting the Operating Agreement Transferring Real Estate Title to You LLC -Do;s and Don'ts


Navigating New Build Issues


Discussion Points: Hot legal topics involved with new construction contracts Differences between resale and new build contracts Remedies available to purchasers and contractors Zoom Link: tinyurl.com/42wyabke


HUD Class


Zoom Meeting HUD has made the process easier than before to make a purchase for your buyers.  Loans are available to do some upgrades to repairs. Join us for an overview on this great option for your buyers.